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  • How Does the Trust Fund affect my church?
    This is how the Trust Fund will provide financial assistance now and in years to come to the members of the Apostolic Assembly: * Aid in the financial assistance in the event of death of a member; * Provide financial assistance to a pastor and/or his family for illness, disability, death, or retirement; Provide scholarship funds to deserving students in the local churches; * Provide emergency assistance to the local churches for food, shelter, medical supplies, and/or services; * Provide assistance to all members for counseling services for those experiencing trauma of any kind.
  • How do we request monies from the Trust Fund, and how long it will take from the Trust Fund to respond?
    Providing there are funds available, you may call 909-987-3013 and request a petition form. A procedure will be established to review petitions; however, emergencies will be reviewed on a case-by case basis. At this time, the Trust Fund has not completed a schedule for distributions, but in the future will publish this schedule and distribute it to the local churches.
  • Who is in charge of the distribution of monies of the Trust Fund?
    The Trust Fund has four trustees: the President of the Apostolic Assembly (individual trustee), the Secretary of Social Assistance (individual trustee), The General Secretary (individual trustee) and the PFF Bank + Trust (the corporate trustee). Requests will go directly to the church trustees and will then be submitted to the corporate trustee for approval (refer to Trust Document, Section
  • How are monies solicited for the Trust Fund?
    Our Trust Fund administrator works on a full-time basis to enroll all local churches and to solicit private and corporate donations on behalf of the Antonio Castaneda Nava Charitable Foundation and Trust Fund.
  • What are the other duties of the Trust Fund Administrator?
    The Trust Fund Administrator coordinates activities on behalf of the Trust Fund. The main effort of the Administrator will be to enroll the local churches to participate and setting up the contributions from the churches. This will involve extensive travel. In addition, corporate contributions will be solicited.
  • How are monies collected from the local churches?
    Each local church or individual will furnish a voided check from the church/personal account to be drafted each month. The account number on the voided check will allow the US Bank to automatically withdraw the set amount on the 5th of every month. SAFEGUARDS OF THE TRUST FUND 1. There are several levels of safety built in the structure of the Antonio Castaneda Nava Trust Fund and Charitable Foundation: The Trust Document defines and directs all actions taken on behalf of the Trust Fund. These instructions are irrevocable. 2. Each institution that will provide products or investment services are each backed by billions of dollars in assets and reserves. 3. The Trust Fund will have a full-time Administrator, whose duties are to coordinate all institutional investors and providers of services. This Administrator is also required to carry Errors and Omissions liability coverage and to be bonded on all required activities. 4. Monies from the General Trust Account held by the US Bank can only be distributed upon the approval of the President, General Secretary, and Secretary of Social Assistance. 5. Monies from the Trust Fund can only be distributed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Trust Document, which states that the Individual (the President of the Apostolic Assembly and the Secretary of Social Assistance) Trustees and the Corporate (PFF Bank + Trust representatives). Trustees must approve all distributions. 6. All investments made by the Corporate Trustee on behalf of the Trust Fund can only be made after receiving instructions from the Settlor (the Apostolic Assembly), during a once yearly meeting (refer to Trust Document, Section 6.b.). 7. There are written limitations on the amounts of monies that can be distributed for the defined purposes of the Trust Fund. The Trust Document stipulates that only a percentage of monies accumulated may be distributed (refer to Trust Document Section 4.b. and 4.d.). 8. Under no circumstances can monies from the Trust Fund benefit any private individual (except to the extent permitted by the Trust), political campaigns, propaganda, or lobbying (refer to Trust Document Section 4.c.). 9. To insure against fraud or any misuse of Trust Fund monies, any Trustee may contact the office of the Attorney General of the state of California without notice to the Church or any other Trustee to discuss any aspect of the administration of the Trust (refer to Trust Document, Section 7.a.xv.).
  • Who manages the Trust Fund
    The trust fund is managed by two teams. Each manager has separate managing duties and authority: 1. The Trust Fund administrator is a full-time manager of the Trust Fund. The duty of this manager is to oversee various aspects of the activities of the Trust Fund, primarily to coordinate the activities of raising monies from local churches, personal, and corporate contributors. 2. The Corporate Trustee, PFF Bank + Trust Assets Management Division and PFF Bank + Trust Investment Management Group will manage the investments and distributions of monies.

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Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus 5401 Citrus Ave. Fontana, CA 92336 Office: (909) 987-3013 ext. 2800

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