AC Nava LogoWhile an increasing number of individuals are interested in obtaining a college education, students are currently graduating with the highest percentage of debt recorded. These facts may too often discourage many potential students, leading them to either drop out or to never pursue advanced degrees. The Department of Social Assistance has seen the need to support the students that are also devoted in the advancement of the church.

The significance of higher education extends far beyond monetary value, moving the department to provide students with opportunities to attain their educational goals. For this reason, the Department of Social Assistance sought to utilize the A.C. Nava Trust Fund to provide financial assistance through annual scholarships. These are awarded to members of the Apostolic Assembly who are currently full-time students seeking to complete a college education.

AC Nava Scholorship 2023To Apply Candidates Must:

• Be a baptized member, in good standing: of an Apostolic Assembly church (to be determined by Pastor’s recommendation).

• Be currently enrolled in any of the following institutions: university, college, trade/technical school: senior in high school.

• Be able to attend an in-person interview with the scholarship review board (location and date to be disclosed if chosen).

• Must maintain a 3.0 GPA or above.

• Must write one 500-word essay.

• Must Submit 2 typed letters of recommendation.

Click Here to Download 2023 Scholarship Application Today!

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** All non-first place recipients of our scholarships must wait a scholarship cycle before reapplying for a scholarship.
** Award amounts are determined based on the general financial condition of the A.C. Nava Fund.
** An attendance waiver might be considered on a case-by-case basis.